Looking for ‘grab bars colorado springs‘ information? We hope the information we have for you here can help. As an essential component of a home safety plan, grab bars should be installed in many areas throughout the home.
Getting into the Shower (especially if stepping over a tub) can become very difficult for many homeowners. Having a sturdy support to hold onto for this transfer in and out of the tub is a necessity for remaining at home. Many grab bars are often installed vertically at a chest to waist level just above the tub wall. This grab bar provides the individual a strong hand hold while stepping in and out of the shower/tub unit
For Inside the shower enclosure, bars are installed in several areas depending on need.
If an individual wants to take a bath and sit down in the tub, they will need a grab bar to assist them in getting back up. This bar is generally installed horizontal close to the knee height of a standing person, often very close to the existing built in soap dish holder.
For taking a shower while standing or utilizing a shower chair, bars are installed at a higher level of the wall. Many combinations of horizontal, diagonal, or vertical grab bars can be installed depending on a specific person’s needs and goals.
In addition to Durable Medical Equipment (DME) products such as raised toilet seat, grab bars should be installed around the toilet. Similar to the transition in and out of the shower, the transition on and off the toilet is a major point of falls for seniors. Having grab bars to assist both in the strength to sit and stand, but also the balance to stay standing once up.
The enormous amount of ‘middle of the night’ EMS calls for senior falls in the bathroom show this area of risk. The nocturnal nature run is often the source of a fall that can change the life of the victim while costing the healthcare system $30 billion annually. Having a safe, clutter free route from bed to toilet with sufficient lighting and multiple points of hand hold supports can greatly reduce these falls
Around the house:
The installation of grab bars throughout the house may be necessary, such as:
- any area of difficult mobility in a high foot traffic pattern of the home
- at the top of a staircase with the final step and possible turn
- along the wall, or on a vertical support post, at the stair transition of a ‘sunken living room’
- any step or change in the floor surface level both inside and outside the house
- external staircase railings can often benefit from a grab bar near the storm door handle
Have More Questions About Installing Grab Bars?
Give Independent Home Living a call at 719-660-2401 for answers to your questions about grab bar installation for your home and to request a free quote.